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Armenian (Հայերեն)Russian (CIS)English (United Kingdom)


New book


Գալստյան Մ.Հ.  Բնապահպանական կենսատեխնոլոգիաներ: Դասագիրք / Մ.Հ. Գալստյան.-  Եր.: Մեկնարկ, 2018.- 300 էջ:

The textbook identifies the key environmental biotechnological methods and guidelines for EMPs and includes biomedication, basic laws of microbial synthesis, genetic susceptibility methods, and biotechnological processes for waste recycling, waste management and macromycetes production. 

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US Congress Library


The US Congress Library in Washington is the world's largest library. It was founded in 1800. The president, vice-president, members of the Senate and the House of Representatives (Congress) could use the library in their initial activities. That's why the Library was called Library of Congress.The Fund's preliminary fund had 740 books and three geographic maps representing America, purchased in London.

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New  book


Ֆերմեր : Գործնական ձեռնարկ / Խմբ.՝Ա.Պ. Թարվերդյան, Հ.Ս. Ջավադյան, Ց.Վ. Պողոսյան և ուրիշն.; ՀԱԱՀ - Երևան: ՀԱԱՀ, 2018. - 512 էջ: գուն. նկ.; 24 սմ.

The book presents the main peculiarities of crop production, vegetable growing, horticulture and viticulture, general provisions on livestock, veterinary, agricultural mechanization and agrarian economy. It can be useful both for start-up and experienced farmers and for those engaged in agriculture.

National Library Week at ANAU


On April 17 within the framework of the National Library Week at the National Agrarian University of Armenia dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the First Republic of Armenia and the Mayis battles a regular event, during which the cultural life of the First Republic, in particular the creation of national libraries, was presented.

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An event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the First Republic of Armenia will be held in the framework of the National Library Week on April 17, 2011, at the 425 auditorium of ANAU Building 1.

Speaker, Armenian history and the pill. Associate Professor 

PhD Gurgen Vardanyan

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