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Armenian (Հայերեն)Russian (CIS)English (United Kingdom)


New book


Երիցյան, Ս.Կ., Գրիգորյան Հ.Է.   Օրգանական երկրագործության հիմունքներ : Ուսումնական ձեռնարկ / Ս.Կ. Երիցյան, Հ.Է. Գրիգորյան; ՀՀ ԿԳՆ; ՀԱԱՀ - Երևան: Արմավ, 2019. - 112 էջ: նկ., աղյս. 21 սմ.

The manual is developed according to educational plans, where principles of organic agriculture, maintenance of soil fertility, regulation of plant nutrition and characteristics of pests for fighting against harmful organisms, as well as some issues regarding legal regulations are explained.

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New book


Ավետիսյան, Սամվել  Հայաստանի Հանրապետության բնակավայրերի տեղեկատու / Ս. Ավետիսյան, Վ. Գրիգորյան ; Առաջաբան՝ Հ. Ծպնեցյան, Լ. Մարտիրոսյան ; Հայաստանի պետական տնտեսագիտական համալսարան, Հյուսիսային համալսարան. - Երևան : Մեկնարկ, 2018. - 1056 էջ ; 29 սմ.

On February 19, 2019, on Book Giving Day, Doctor of Economics, Professor S. Avetisyan donated this valuable book to ANAU Library.

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We exist with Tumanyan 

Book giving day at ANAU


The beautiful tradition of book giving gathered readers of ANAU in the University Hall to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Hovhannes Tumanyan and to value the book's role. During the event, organized with ANAU Scientific Library and Students Council’s efforts, Tumanyan’s poems were performed. It was the proof that Tumanyan is always with us and inside us.

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February, 20, book donation day


The 19th of February, the birthday of great Armenian poet Hovhannes Tumanyan, by the initiative Union of Writers of Armenia and by the Government decision is celebrated as the book day.

On February 19, at 12:30, we all invite ANAU Library and Student Council to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Hovhannes Tumanyan's birthday and the book donation.

You can not only donate the library, but also get a gift from your professional and fiction books.

New literature for farmers


Dear staff and students, We are pleased to present you a list of newly received literature in  Library  ANAU on biological peculiarities of cultivated crops, cultivation technologies, diseases, agricultural irrigation, as well as agricultural animal diseases and their electronic versions.

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