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February 19, book donation day


February 19, the great Armenian poet Hovhannes Tumanyan's birthday is celebrated as a book donation day for a few years. ANAU library announce the book donation day on February 19. We suggest you to join this wonderful initiative and to enrich SAUA library fund through the book donation by your staff and students.Present donation of books to SAUA library (II Building, III Floor).

Marketing  Basics” educational  manual


“Marketing  Basics” educational  manual  has  been  published  by the  Chair  of  Marketing  at  ASUE,  which  has  been recommended  by  ASUE Scientific  Board’s  decision.  The  authors  of the  manual  are:  the  Head  of  the  Chair,  Doctor  in Economics, Professor  Ararat  Zaqaryan,  Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor  Shirak  Sahakyan,  Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor  Armen Grigoryan,  Candidate  in Economics, Assistant  Professor  Narek  Ghukasyan  and  Assistant  Professor  Lilit  Sahakyan. 

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Presentation of textbook "Veterinary Toxicology"

images-stories-norutunner-0057-120x170On December 11 at 14.00 at Armenian National Agrarian University (2nd building, 3rd floor, Press Hall) will held the presentatin of the textbook "Veterinary Toxicology" of Albert Manasyan and Fyodr Adamyan.

The book is intended for the students of frofession of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sanitary Expertise.

The textbook can be used also by practitioners in the field of veterinary and food safety.

Presentation of textbook "Veterinary Toxicology" at ANAU Library

On December 11 at ANAU Library was held the presentation of the textbook "Veterinary Toxicology" of Albert Manasyan and Fyodr Adamyan.

Opening speech was made the Vice-rector on Educational Affairs Yu. Marmaryan: " Many yers ago Albert Manasyan was gathered materials for the textbook. Every printing of a book brings honor to the University, faculty, chair. This book is very valuable, and we have not had a prototype. It is very unfortunate that Albert Manasyan didn't with us, but the family, even mental difficulties, was able to finish the job started by him."

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The librarian day at ANAU

images-stories-norutunner-SRJ_0017-180x120Today is the Librarian Day. By the government's decision on October 7, 2004 announced "Librarian Day".
The Librarian Day activities at ANAU started from the renovated reading hall (430 room) of 2nd building. The symbolic red ribbon of reading hall cut the Vice-rector on Educational Affairs Yu. Marmaryan and Director of  IT and IP centre Vachagan Melqonyan.

Head of Science Department, Vice-Rector D. Petrosyan, advisor of Rector G. Davtyan, deans, professors and students came to congratulate to librarians.

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