National Library Week – 2022
One of the most important initiatives of the Armenian Library Association is the National Library Week (NLW).
This year the National Library Week (NLW), which has already become a tradition in Armenia and is popular with the public is dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the great poet Yeghishe Charents. It launches on April 18.
The aim of the NLW events is to redefine the role of books, knowledge and reading in public life, to value the importance of libraries and to strengthen the reader-library connection.
Within the framework of "NLW" the ANAU Scientific Library organizes various cultural events:
1․ Visit to Yeghishe Charents’s House-Museum
In cooperation with the school of general education programs,
On April 19, at 13:30.
2 ․ Report "Unknown pages from Yeghishe Charents's public activity"
In cooperation with the Chair of Social Sciences,
Speaker: Hamo Sukiasyan, Associate Professor of History and Science
On April 20, at 12:30, 1st building, 4th floor, 2nd reading hall
3. Event "The search for ways of salvation for the homeland in the works of Yeghishe Charents "
In cooperation with Chair of Armenian and Foreign Languages jointly with the Agricultural College named after A. Kochinyan,
April 22, at 14:00, 2nd building, 3rd floor, Press hall.
National Library Week will conclude on April 25.