“National Library week” is open
On April 15, the staff of the Scientific Library organized a beautiful event dedicated to Garegin Nzhdeh in the reading hall of the first building. According to the decision of the Armenian Library Association in 2002, a series of events is planned for the second week of April each year, with the aim of valuing books, the role of libraries, educating a literate and educated generation and forming a healthy society.
According to the decision made by the Armenian Agricultural Association in 2002 every year on 2 April events are held, which aim to value the role of books and library, to bring up a literate and educated generation and form a healthy society.
During mentioned period different events were held at different libraries of the country. Hasmik Adamyan, head of the Scientific Library in her greeting speech thanked the participants of the event. She mentioned that it has been 20 years that Library holds events with new ideas. And the topic of the day, which is also chosen by the library, is another opportunity to get to know Garegin Nzhdeh better, to cover his activities and invaluable service to the homeland. Mrs. Adamyan also thanked Eduard Ghazaryan, dean of the faculty of Agribusiness and Economics for his support in the organization of the event. The speaker was Hamo Sukiasyan, Head of the Chair of Social Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences. He presented the liberation struggle of the Armenian people against the Turkish, Tatar and Soviet troops in the south of the historical Syunik province in 1921-1922, in Zangezur, led by General Garegin Nzhdeh. The speaker mentioned that fortunately for generations, Nzhdeh understood the historical holes well and wrote them down.
Mr. Sukiasyan presented interesting manuscripts related to that period, and also drew parallels between the demarcation works of that time and today.
An interesting debate took place between the students attending at the discussion, who asked many questions of concern to Mr. Sukiasyan. ANAU Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs Hrachya Tspnetsyan also took part in the event.