The book giving day was marked by the opening of a new open space style reading hall
On February 19, Book Giving Day, at the Armenian National Agrarian University, one more corner awaited and desired by students was open – reading hall with an open space style. It was renovated with the financing of Ardshinbank and the co-financing of the ANAU Support Fund.
At the opening ceremony Artak Ananyan, the director of Boards of Ardshinbank, greeted and thanked the attendees. “I am happy for we were able to invest something in educating the new generation. The students will have all the required conditions to learn, create, to engage in science. By furnishing this hall we start this process.”- said Mr. Ananyan.
Vardan Urutyan, ANAU Rector, warmly greeting the student and partners said: “We kindly hand over this reading room to our students. This is an additional opportunity to create new ideas and start-ups. We thank our partners of Ardshinbank for partnership and support”.
Ռեկտոր Ուռուտյանը նշեց, որ նոր սրահը Արդշինբանկի հետ մեր համալսարանի գործընկերության շարունակման եւ խորացման խորհրդանշական սկիզբն է։ Տեղեկացրեց, որ այստեղ կանցկացվեն նաեւ ֆերմերների եւ շահակիցների այլ խմբերի վերապատրաստումներ ֆինանսական գրագիտության, կառավարման թեմաներով, ինչպես նաեւ առաջարկեց մեր ուսանողների փորձուսուցումներ կազմակերպել բանկում։ Վերապատրաստումները նախատեսվում է անցկացնել նաեւ Արդշինբանկի մասնագետների ուժերով։ Առաջարկը պատրաստակամորեն ընդունեց Արդշինբանկի վարչության նախագահ Արտակ Անանյանը։
Rector Urutyan mentioned the new hall is a symbolic start of continuing and deepening our collaboration with Ardshinbank. He informed that the trainings on financial literacy and management for farmers and other groups of stakeholders will be taken here, as well as he offered to organize the practical lessons of the students at the Bank. The trainings are planned to be taken as well as by the specialists of Ardshinbank. The offer was readily accepted by Artak Ananyan, the Director of Board.
The head of ANAU scientific library Hasmik Adamyan, thanked to ANAU Support Fund from the face of community of library and readers for doing such a great deed Mrs. Adamyan is sure that every student who enters the new library with 2300 pieces of books will aim to learn better.
The speakers congratulated the attendees on the beautiful event rooted in our country – Book Giving Day. On this occasion Mr. Urutyan gifted Mr. Ananyan the books
“Farmer” and “The grape and wine of Armenia” published by ANAU, as well as a letter of thanks and wine of ANAU – “Serund”. On their hand our partners of Ardshinbank gifted several copies of the book “100 monologs” that was published with the fund of the Bank.