Electronic databases
ArmScoop համահավաք գրադարան
AGORA- Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture, provides a collection of 1278 journals in the field of food, agriculture, environmental science, and related
Административно-управленческий портал
Библиотека маркетолога
Деловые книги на Литпортале
Экономическая теория
Бизнес Класс
Гид по книгам
Библиотека деловой и финансовой литературы
BioMed Central
Doab-directoy of open access book
Digital Dissertations - the most current two years of citations and abstracts, more than 225.000 notes. More than 1000 titles in the Dissertation Abstracts database from the universities of Europe and North America.
DOAJ- Directory of Open Access Journals, covers full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals.
Eletronic journal library
Free Medical Journals
Google books
Google Scholar
Open science journal
Patent Full-Text and Full-Page Image Databases
Pediatric Neurology Briefs
Royal Society London
Sage journals
Taylor&Francis Online